Sunday, 1 June 2014


I thought I would use today's post to update you on a couple of  things I have been talking about over the last few weeks.

Firstly fairy doors. It turns out that it isn't just the Embar Pottery imagination that loved the fairy door idea! After the Penshurst show we had sold out of our show stock, so we raided our Dedham unit and sold out of those during our the Hatfield show! So the potter has been very busy preparing more fairy doors for our next show which is next weekend at the Woburn Abbey Country Fair
These doors are all mid way through the glazing phase. It is always a bit difficult to tell what they are going to look like when finished as the glaze is nothing like the colour it is when fired. The edges will be green (not brown) the Mushrooms red (not brown) the cute little deer will be fawn (not dark brown) and the backgrounds are all different speckly colours (not white!!) You often just have to trust what the pot says and run with it. Occasionally you get a surprise when you open the kiln!

A few weeks ago I suggested in this post that the Potter should make a new Green Lady plaque at the one of the shows. The Potter did this, and the green lady is now out of the kiln and looking lovely.

The potter also made a hairy male companion to the Green lady! who is quite a cheeky chappy!!

1 comment:

  1. I'd never have thought it, but I quite like the hairy look :-) It really affects the face shape. Like the strings of leaves too.
